Master Lin only uses natural ingredients. Out of conviction, out of respect for nature and in the spirit of TCM.
certified natural cosmeticsnaturalness
Beauty with responsibility
All Master Lin products carry the NATRUE seal of approval. It stands for authentic natural cosmetics and guarantees the highest product quality.
Beauty care is more than dealing with outward appearances: Master Lin natural cosmetics are guaranteed free of animal testing and free of silicones, parabens and toxins. The quality and origin of the raw materials and the responsible use of resources play a key role at Master Lin.
Our natural substances
Every NATRUE certified product must have a minimum content of 80% natural substances. Natural substances are ingredients from nature that have a proven effect, including essential oils, various extracts, beeswax, medicinal herbs, etc.
All of the preservatives and ingredients allowed by NATRUE are also naturally occurring. Only glycerine of plant origin is used, which is obtained naturally. We also use certified palm oil in our Master Lin products, if available.
For thousands of years, aromatherapy has been used in all cultures to harmonize body and mind. Aromatherapy as a holistic therapy regards the human being as a unity of body, mind and soul. Fine essential oils eliminate an energetic imbalance and strengthen the immune system. They are the soul and the life force of a plant.
In the Master Lin cosmetics line, the healing effects of the essential oils are optimally implemented in combination with traditional Chinese medicine.